God Sends A Care Package

Last week, my friend, Mylene said she was going to where my kids are and I can send something for them through her.  Within a couple of days, I went to the big supermarket near me and walked along aisle by aisle thinking what might delight my kids, what would make them know that I thought about them and wanted to make them smile. I put those things in my cart and sent them over to Mylene’s house.  I told her I’m not expecting her to take everything but just in case there was a gap in her suitcase, she can just grab whichever one of those things could serve as a filler and I will pick up whatever has no room.  She graciously said everything fit! Thank You, Lord, for Mylene!

It occurred to me today that God also sent me a care package…

A few weeks ago, a beautiful, lively, joyful, kind, encouraging mom, Jane, came with her two grown daughters.  I had never met her before in person or online but all at once, she seemed like a long-lost friend I haven’t seen for years.

There was only one other table occupied yet (a group of four ladies getting a quick despedida merienda before watching an evening play) and all my kitchen staff were present so there was ample time for me to make that little round around the little shop to look at our Detroit Jewel oven, vintage tools, and the little knick knacks about.

Jane and her daughters graciously talked to me about food and things and I had that empty nest nostalgia for the times I used to go around different places with my sons.  By the time Jane and her daughters left, she and I were like old family.  

This morning, I got an unexpected Facebook notice that Sugar, Spice & Everything Nice mentioned Karen’s Kitchen on our page.  When I clicked, I was so surprised to see a full blown blog post by Jane with beautifully taken pictures, wonderfully written text… such gracious words.  So much like God’s amazing grace that I don’t deserve.

After reading Jane’s post, it felt like she was the sender of God’s care package for me— a lovingly made concoction of care, appreciation, affirmation, encouragement, and love sprinkled with sugar, spice, and everything nice!  This is so representative of God’s grace coming from an unexpected place!

I’m so undeserving Lord, but Father, thank You for Jane. No doubt, You sent her.


Jane’s Blog Post

bits jane and me
Jane and me, photo from her blog, Sugar & Spice and Everything Nice

4 Comments Add yours

  1. Oh Karen, your post made me tear. Indeed, we are sisters in Christ. We may not know each other fully but our souls are entwined by our faith. I have so much deep respect for you & for all your accomplishments. You deserve all that you are reaping now, that is truly part of God’s plan for you. Thank you for adding love & beauty into this dark world. Much love to you from your 3 fans. :-*

    1. Dear Jane, your comment touched my heart so! Yes, we are indeed sisters in Christ and you are His love letter to me. Thank you for being a blessing! I’ve come to know that sometimes His blessings don’t look like blessings but always, His heart is to bless us. You, though look like a through -and -through blessing! Much love and thanks to you too!

  2. loren perez lee says:

    Hi Karen!

    How are you? Haven’t visited your page for quite a while but today God reminded me of the inspiration you and your writings brought when I needed it most last July/Aug2015:)

    What a wonderful article on how God sends us people in our lives to show us He truly loves us. God’s TLC is really so moving and awe inspiring 🙂 sharing you that I found the same inspiration and love through a once stranger more than a year ago, and today are hearts are so devoted to serving and loving the Lord and encouraging one another in Christ. 🙂

    May we never stop looking and finding His blessings to us in both simple and extravagant ways. And may we find Him in everyone we come close contact with. God bless you and your business and family!:)



    1. Dear Loren, so wonderful to hear from you and find this heartwarming inspiration and encouragement from you! Praise God for using bits to share HIS to you! And how He used you to share HIs with me specially when I had been contemplating shutting down this site. So wonderful to know how He blessed your fellowship with your once- stranger friend and you are now each other’s iron sharpening iron. Amen to your prayer and blessing. I’m still waiting for you to come by for our one on one sharing Lord willing! Love, karen

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