Dear Demi (and other Demi’s)

You are not alone. You are a beautiful woman and a beautiful mom. No man, I mean N-O  M-A-N, no matter how outwardly gorgeous is worth destroying yourself for. You were whole before him and you will be again. Your children need you whole. You are so talented and have much to give the world. Let God hold you and be your Strength, Father, Protector, Avenger, Husband, Shield, Restorer, Lover of Your Soul, Beginning and End; no one can compare to God.

To have a beloved husband pulled away from you by a preying woman (or twenty) and his extremely weak integrity is an immeasurably painful and unfathomable experience, specially when you were there supporting him all the way when he was starting out and struggling but upon reaching success, disregarded his commitment to you and abandoned compassion. I pray that God will give you the almighty grace of detachment for this season  and after the toxins have exited through those profuse tears, you will see clearly as crystal who you are, that you will get up, pick up your mat, and walk (John 5:8).

May you arise in complete faith to the God who loves you to bits through and through eternally. Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be terrified; do not be discouraged, for the LORD your God will be with you wherever you go (Joshua 1:9).


2 Comments Add yours

  1. prayer for our children's marriages says:

    it is truly sad to see marriages fail.

    To those of us who are raising sons, through God’s grace, may we raise God-fearing, well-adjusted, dependable, decent husbands-to-be.

    We also pray for our future daughters-in-law so that they may be God’s best for our sons and vise versa.

    May their marriages be anointed, blessed and supernaturally strengthened by the Holy Spirit.

    May we raise faithful children who are pleasing in God’s eyes.

    In Jesus mighty name, Amen.

    1. Dear Prayer for Our Children’s Marriages,
      I say AMEN to your wonderful prayers for the next generation.

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